Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My Term 2 Goal

1 Write in My SDL in my Home fun and always check and don't leave it to the last minute

2 Do my SDL in the time I have and quickly so I can
do other stuff

3 Take my time and do it right so I don't have to
do it again

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Home Fun percentage

I got 69% so I think I did good but I think I can do better than that so my goal for term 3 is to get all yes for homefun

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My thoughts on my term 2 goal

I think I didn't really achieve my goal because I got distracted easily and got some no's for home fun when I could of got 100% but I did not work hard enough so I didn't achieve my goal next time my goal is to focus and get 100% for Home fun and not meet my deadlines for SDL

Term 2 personal investagation

Can I make a Afghans by myself?